Community Action Trainings (CAT)
Learn from experienced organizers, share skills and knowledge with activists, and have fun meeting others dedicated to building a movement!
Community Action Trainings (CAT) provides entry-level organizer training to individuals, staff, and members of community-based organizations through field work, role plays, and discussions. During this high-intensity three day training, CAT participants learn how to door-knock as a tool for recruiting and mobilizing constituents, participate in campaign development and actions, and learn to appreciate the legacy of organizing in communities of color and its relevance in today's fight for social justice. CTWO conducts CAT sessions in the spring and fall in different regions across the country, including the SF Bay Area, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles. Each year CTWO trains close to 300 participants, and partners with some of the most amazing community organizations in the country to host these sessions.
Community Action Training
Interested in the 2012 CAT Spring series? Keep checking this website for updates.
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