Saturday, February 11, 2012

Community Action Trainings (CAT)

Community Action Trainings (CAT)

CAT: Community Action Trainings  
Community Action Training in Los Angeles
About CAT

Learn from experienced organizers, share skills and knowledge with activists, and have fun meeting others dedicated to building a movement!

Community Action Trainings (CAT) provides entry-level organizer training to individuals, staff, and members of community-based organizations through field work, role plays, and discussions. During this high-intensity three day training, CAT participants learn how to door-knock as a tool for recruiting and mobilizing constituents, participate in campaign development and actions, and learn to appreciate the legacy of organizing in communities of color and its relevance in today's fight for social justice. CTWO conducts CAT sessions in the spring and fall in different regions across the country, including the SF Bay Area, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles. Each year CTWO trains close to 300 participants, and partners with some of the most amazing community organizations in the country to host these sessions.


Community Action Training

Interested in the 2012 CAT Spring series? Keep checking this website for updates.

More info:

Friday, February 10, 2012

Training for Change Workshops in 2012


As the Occupy movement picked up its pace last fall TFC decided to dedicate some staff time to support the growing number of individuals and organizations participating in this movement.  Here's a brief look back at the work we've done over the last few months:

In Philadelphia we organized a 1-day training of trainers that brought Occupy Philadelphia organizers, facilitators and participants together. In Minnesota TFC trainers supported a day long training on facilitation and consensus and led the conversation on diversity in Occupy for Occupy Minneapolis. Alumni from TFC training of trainer workshops have been facilitating GA’s and mini-facilitation trainings with coaching and mentorship of a number of our trainers . In late November TFC trained the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) in a non-violent direct action training of trainers for their staff who are involved in Occupy’s across the country. 

In addition to the training work we've done at different Occupy sites, TFC has also participated in a national collaboration with other trainers and working with other training groups like the Ruckus Society to collect resources and help meet the training needs of various occupations.

In this newsletter you'll find some additional resources and articles that reflect some of our thinking about the Occupy movement and new insights we've gained from doing this work over the last few months.


Training for Social Action Trainers
February 17-19, 2012
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

March 16-18, 2012
Washington D.C.

April 20-22, 2012
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Effective Approaches to Working with Groups
March 2-4, 2012
Wallingford, Pennsylvania

Taller Para Talleristas en Acción Social
(Spanish language Training of Trainers)
March 30-April 1, 2012
Minneapolis, Minnesota

How to Do Transformational Work
April 10-15, 2012
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Whites Confronting Racism
Mary 4-6, 2012

June 8-24, 2012
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

For more information or to register for these workshops, visit our website,

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Midwest Academy 2012 Training Schedule Announced!

2012 Training Schedule & Photo Contest to win a Scholarship!

And, a new addition to the Midwest Academy staff! Read on for details.

2012 Training Schedule Announced!

The Midwest Academy has 10 great trainings scheduled throughout 2012! Whether you are new to organizing or a seasoned veteran, we have a training that will get you to the next level:

Organizing for Social Change: Learn how to build power, recruit and develop leaders, think strategically, win issue campaigns and develop strong organizations:
March 26 - 30, 2012: Chicago, IL
May 7 - 11: Sierra Madre, CA
August 13 - 17: Chicago, IL
September 10 - 14: Metairie, LA
November 12 - 16: Baltimore, MD

Advanced Organizing for Social Change: Spend three days with the Academy's most experienced trainers applying the Midwest Academy strategy chart to your organization's campaign. You'll leave with a plan that's targeted, strategic, and effective:
March 21 - 23: Washington, DC
June 11 - 13: New York, NY

Supervising Organizers Workshop: Step back from meetings on the run, in order to evaluate yourself as a supervisor, explore new skills, and develop a plan to boost the skills and effectiveness of your entire team:
April 18 - 20: New York, NY
July 11 - 13: Berkeley, CA
November 28 - 30, Chicago, IL

Click here for more information about each of our training sessions. Register today or let us know if you have any questions at