Friday, May 4, 2007

Opportunities at the Garment Workers Center in Los Angeles



Computer and Tech support
Have an inner computer nerd in you that is just busting to come out? Come on in and help us with tech support. Every now and then we need to update our computers, work on our computer lab and do general support of our computer needs. Contact Stephen for more info at
At the Garment Worker Center, we try to be much more than just a service organization. So we strive to make this a place where workers feel comfortable bringing their children with them when they come to the GWC for activities on Saturday afternoons. In order to do this, we provide child care for kids ranging in age from about 1 to about 14 years of age. We welcome volunteers who would like to share in the joy of caring for these young people. Many of these children speak only Spanish, but all are eager to play, create, and share with everyone, regardless of their language abilities.

We are looking for energetic political conscious volunteers who want to help with child care development.
[Read More!]
Database Entry
We have records from hundreds of garment workers' wage claim cases, and we need help entering that information into a database. Familiarity with Microsoft Access is a plus, but most important is a willingness to help and ability to commit some time to this very important project.

If you'd like to volunteer to help with project, please download our volnteer application and either mail it to us at 1250 S. Los Angeles St. #213, Los Angeles, CA 90015 or fax it to (213) 748-5876. Please be sure to write that you want to help with database entry!
Special Project - Database Design
Do you love mucking around in VBA code to make MS Access applications do amazing things? Have you ever wondered how that might advance important social causes? Have we ever got an opportunity for you! [Read More!]
Special Project - Web Design
Want to re-design this site? Do you have ideas for making it more engaging? User-friendly? Do you have the front-end and back-end skills to make this happen? Then we need to talk! [Read More!]
Volunteers wanted! We always need active support for our work and actions. [Read More!]

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