Friday, September 16, 2011

Training for Social Action Trainers returns to the Bay Area in November

Training for Social Action Trainers - returning to the Bay Area in November!

Training for Change > > (215) 776-8444

November 4-6, 2011
Oakland, CA

To register, contact Ken at

Join us for an intensive training designed for experienced facilitators wanting to revitalize their work, new trainers wanting to inspire, teachers, community leaders, activists -- anyone wanting to take their skills to a new level and learn how training can be used more effectively.


Gain greater awareness about yourself and your strengths as a facilitator;
Get a chance to take risks, experiment and refine skills in a safe and supportive environment;
Get the stimulation of fresh approaches and increased options;
Receive personal guidance from experienced trainers in a small group setting ;
Learn new tools that are easily adapted, principles of workshop design, skills for working with diversity and a better understanding of how to use experiential education methods effectively.

Experienced and less-experienced facilitators, consultants and trainers...Activists and organizers wanting to use training more effectively in their work... Teachers, community leaders, pastors, consultants and others who want more experiential tools.

The TSAT is a great way to learn the core approach to Training for Change's elicitive style of activist training, or if you are considering bringing TFC trainers to work more closely with your organization. Anyone who takes the TSAT is then qualified to be a participant at TFC’s Advanced Training of Trainers, an extended 5-day intensive the delves more thoroughly into group dynamics, conflict in groups, and working cross-culturally.


To enhance workshop facilitation and design skills
To increase the training tools you can use effectively
To gain greater awareness of yourself as facilitator
To meet and receive support from other trainers and learn about new developments in the field

The workshop begins with dinner and registration at 6 p.m. Friday and runs until 6 p.m. Sunday. On Friday and Saturday evenings the workshop will include an evening session after dinner, the session typically ends between 9:00-10:00 pm.

The workshop is designed as an experiential package with each session building on the previous session. We want to create the best learning environment possible for participants to absorb the combined learning of each session and therefore WE DO NOT ALLOW PARTIAL ATTENDANCE, you must commit to taking the entire workshop.

If taken separately, this workshop costs $150 US-$375 US, sliding scale based on income. The fee includes over 23 hours of training, meals during workshop hours, and simple lodging for people who request it. To determine your fee, use the chart below.
If your income is... You pay...
under $15,000 $150
$15,001-$25,000 $180
$25,001-$35,000 $210
$35,001-$45,000 $250
$45,001-$55,000 $300
over $55,000 $375

Are you being sent to the training by your employer? If so, don't use your income to determine the fee -- use the annual budget of the organization.

To register or get more information about the fee or the workshop, please contact the organizer, Ken Preston at

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